System Animator - Changelog ------------------------------- v10.21.1.0 - Fix errors when MMD animations are used to monitor certain system activities such CPU/RAM usage. ------------------------------- v10.21.0.0 - Add accumulative updates and new features from the WIP System Animator Online ------------------------------- v10.9.5.1 - Add the "Donate" tab to settings panel. Please consider making a donation and keep the System Animator project going! ------------------------------- v10.9.5.0 - Fix the bug which breaks the audio detection feature when using the newer version of Electron. - Fix the bug which breaks the drag-n-drop feature in "Stay on desktop" (wallpaper) mode when using the newer version of Electron. ------------------------------- v10.9.4.1 - Fix a bug when some animations cannot finish loading after settings change/restart. ------------------------------- v10.9.4.0 - Add support for monitoring graphics card 3D engine usage, with Electron updated (v10.1.1) to support this change. ------------------------------- v10.9.3.1 - Fix relunching issues on some Linux systems. - Fix the model path for demo "3D - Miku - Child Animations" ------------------------------- v10.9.3.0 - Update MMD physics to use the latest ammo.js and the WASM version, which should significantly improve performance. ------------------------------- v10.9.2.1 - Fix the partial click-thru and "opacity on hover" feature to work with the newer version of Electron (webContents.capturePage is now Promise-based). ------------------------------- v10.9.2.0 - Fix and improve Winamp player support (tested on Winamp 5.666 and the latest 5.8) - Fix a bug in confirm dialog box not returning the correct click state. ------------------------------- v10.9.1.0 - Add "Decay" option in settings for audio-beat-driven animation. ------------------------------- v10.9.0.0 - This is a major update for System Animator 10, with many existing features improved and major bug fixes during the development of the WIP System Animator 11. - This is also a major update for Electron (v1 => v7). Please make sure that you use at least Electron v7 as older versions of Electron may not work on this version of System Animator. - Add support for 60fps animation (mainly for MMD). - Add support for loading files from ZIP directly (mainly for MMD). - Update MMD physics to run in web worker, which improves frame rate for animation with complex physics. - Update MMD speech bubble to use sprite with a fixed angle to the screen. - Fix many bugs in MMD mode. - Add support for monochrome video effect overlay. - Canvas 2D no longer uses WebGL to render by default (unless some specific features are needed), which should improve performance. - Update some button icons to use unicode characters instead of images. - XUL mode and HTA mode are deprecated. ------------------------------- v10.7.2.0 - Fix a bug related to shadow map ------------------------------- v10.7.1.0 - Add "Custom wallpaper" and "Custom wallpaper mask" options. - Update RegRead in Windows to use REG QUERY (CMD) instead. - Update error handling for child_process.execSync (Node.js). - Update the "Load at Windows startup" option to apply to all System Animator modes (including XUL mode). - Fix some XUL issues by disabling "XUL Host" mode (i.e. all XUL animations are now separated windows). ------------------------------- v10.7.0.0 - Add beta support for Linux OS - Add option to override default MMD model path when external model is used. - Add option to change edge scale for MMD models. - Update BPM detection algorithm. - Update the "Auto Pause" mode for stay-on-desktop MMD animation, which now supports mouse camera control (zoom-in/out by moving mouse with middle button pressed). - Fix some visual glitches near the edge of the mirror plane when viewed at certain angles (MMD) ------------------------------- v10.6.1.0 - Add a new demo animation "3D Musical Spacetime", based on "[NV15] Space Curvature" by "iq" (codes modified by me to add the music interactive parts) ------------------------------- v10.6.0.0 - Add option to enabled MMD model shadow. - Add option to disable dragging for child animations. - Add option to enable "partial" click-thru. - Update support for MMD material morph. - Fix a bug in the MMD light position option with broken accuracy. ------------------------------- v10.5.0.1 - Fix a regression which broke MMD post-processing effects. ------------------------------- v10.5.0.0 - Add beta support for WebGL 2.0 (Electron v1.6 or above required). - Add beta support for multisampled framebuffer object (WebGL 2.0), which provides native MSAA (when post-processing effect is used) instead of the slower FSAA. - Add more composition mode for video overlay effect. - Add "Move within primary screen" option to restrict the gadget from moving beyond the primary screen boundary. - Update support for MMD models with missing textures. - Update support for MMD models with complicated "deformHierachy" and IK bone combination. - Update support for MMD physics. - Update support for multi-model MMD animations. - Update support for multi-monitor environment. - Update "Animated Pitcure" to be more optimized when used as stay-on-desktop wallpaper. - Update "3D Navigation Mode" to be ON by default when CSS 3D transform is used. - Update getUserMedia to use the latest Web standard, and more error-tolerant for live input. ------------------------------- v10.2.0.1 - Add support for System Animator "Lite" mode, which allows System Animator to work purely as a Web wallpaper on Wallpaper Engine. This also opens the possibility of running System Animator online in the future. - Add support for moving the gadget window beyond the primary screen size and possibly across multiple monitors. - Add support of using AAC music on MMD animations. - Add options to limit the viewing position of MMD trackball camera. - Update the double-click function of MMD animation to include a short "gravity reset" / "random wind" effect. - Fix the repeating of texture when its dimension is non-power-of-two. - Fix the render depth of speech bubbles and mirrors (in some cases) in MMD animations. - Fix a bug when loading more than 3 MMD character models. - Fix a bug when using MMD model with no rigid body. - Fix a bug in canvas fireworks effect which causes the animation to flash sometimes. ------------------------------- v10.1.0.1 - Fix a bug in VMD file dropping. ------------------------------- v10.1.0.0 - Add support for using multiple MMD models on the same animation. - Add several new models and demo animations demonstrating the multi-model feature. - Add support for using random camera in MMD animations. - Add support for MMD model scaling. - Update the "Diffusion" post-processing effect to become more visible. ------------------------------- v10.0.0.1 - Fix "Stay on desktop" mode to work on Windows 7 ------------------------------- v10.0.0.0 - Update the "Stay on desktop" feature which allows System Animator to be used as an ANIMATED wallpaper behind the desktop icons. - Update support for using System Animator as a simple MP4 player. - Update support for single-file animations. - Update the "Show/Hide Gadget" option on tray menu to automatically pause/resume any media control if necessary. - Update the "Click-thru" mode, so that the gadget window is no longer focusable when this mode is on. - Update the buttons to be always within visible area even if the animation is bigger than the screen. - Update the gagdget closing function to be immediate without confirm dialog when activated from button or tray menu. - Add support for "Wallpaper Engine". - Add seek bar to the media control panel. - Add "Audio EQ Circles" shader effect for MMD animations. - Add "Disable transparency" option for animations that don't need transparency (for performance gain) - Add "Settings" option to tray menu, which is important for "Click-thru" and "Stay on desktop" modes as they don't conveniently accept mouse/keyboard inputs. - Add "Restart" option to tray menu. - Add "Trackball camera" option for MMD animation to toggle whether to use mouse-controlled camera or not. - Add "YouTube Canvas Player" demo which allows System Animator effects to be applied on a YouTube video. - Fix the "capturePage" function to reduce CPU usage, by adding a delay on the main process and enabling it only when "50% opacity on hover" option is on. - Fix the broken "process" function on child animations (Electron). - Fix the "Just Snow" shader effect to display properly on top of everything else. - Fix some tooltip messages for the media control panel. - Fix some bugs on the media control of "EQP-gallery" animations. - Fix "EnableMotionEffectForAnimatedPicture" by properly reflecting the status of "EnableBeatDetection". - Fix "Create Shortcut" to work with single-file animations and path names containing certain special character. - Fix the file/folder dropping feature in XUL mode for newer versions of Firefox. ------------------------------- v9.0.0.1 - Fix the bug which displays an unnecessary dialog after settings update when Firefox is not installed. ------------------------------- v9.0.0.0 - Change the default rendering platform of System Animator from NW.js to Electron, which is also based on Chromium and Node.js with some extra features for System Animator. - Change the name of "WebKit mode" to "Chromium mode" to better reflect the actual rendering engine used. - Change the layout of settings panel and the locations of some options to better reflect their actual functions. - Change the default audio BPM (beats per minute) detection method to Web Audio API. - Change the default BPM to 120 if no BPM/beat is detected. - Update the battery monitor to comply with the latest version of Battery Status API. - (Electron) Add the "window click-through" feature, which allows System Animator to ignore all mouse events without blocking any content/window below it. - (Electron) Add the tray menu feature to provide shortcuts to some commonly used functions. - (Electron) Add support of "perfmon" Node.js module to replace the use of external WMI script for the monitoring of some system activities. - (Electron) Add the option to register any Electron executable as the default handler for the "system-animator://" protocol (aka URI scheme). - (Electron) Add the "look at cursor" feature for MMD animations. - Add SAO (Scalable Ambient Obscurance) and other visual effects support for MMD animations. - Add speed control for MMD animation (replacing the seek function). - Improve handling of missing textures in MMD models. - Fix occasional MMD model corruption during music changes. - Fix the error that occurs when a MMD model has no morph transform. - Fix maximize window to use proper screen size and position. - Fix various bugs and interface glitches. ------------------------------- v8.4.0.2 - Fix the error when a MMD animation has only one motion. - Add experimental support for "Electron" platform, which may be an alternative/replacement of NW.js in the future. ------------------------------- v8.4.0.1 - Add a workaround to reduce the chaos in MMD physics simulation during motion change. ------------------------------- v8.4.0.0 - Add support of dropping any folder with supported music files (MP3/WAV) as a randomized playlist for MMD and "SEQ Video" animations. - Add support of all morph types for MMD models, including the newly added group morph and bone morph. - Fix the bug of redundant/inaccurate calculations in MMD physics when certain visual effects are used. - Fix some alpha-blending issues for certain 3D visual effects. - Fix the bug in which the "always on top" option, once activated, would become unchangeable without closing the window. ------------------------------- v8.3.0.3 - Fix a bug in repeated dropping of VMD motion file. ------------------------------- v8.3.0.2 - Update MMD animation support to allow drag-n-drop of VMD motion file, regardless of whether it has been loaded or not (in previous versions, existing motions are ignored). ------------------------------- v8.3.0.1 - Change the filenames of some files from Japanese to ASCII, to fix the issue in which some systems can't unzip files with Japanese filenames properly. ------------------------------- v8.3.0.0 - Add support of "SEQ Video" animations as 3D child animation. - Add support of NW.js (node-webkit) v0.12.3 (previous version v0.11.6 still works). - Add support of control from external applications by writing JSON commands to a secific file monitored by System Animator. ------------------------------- v8.2.0.0 - Change the gadget restart procedure to a simple page refresh whenever applicable, which fixes some issues and is faster. - Add a new 3D animation demo on the default animation list demonstrating the new feature which allows using 2D System Animator animations (as textures) inside a 3D space. - Add several new WebGL shader backgrounds for MMD animations. - Fix the alpha transparency and various other issues regarding WebGL shader backgrounds for MMD animations. - Fix the custom folder button on the settings panel. ------------------------------- v8.1.1.0 - Fix a few MMD-related bugs and syntax issues, required by the following video tutorial. MMD Desktop Mascot with uSystem Animatorv(Tutorial Part I) - Update the MMD animation demos to include the "kissing" custom actions. ------------------------------- v8.1.0.0 - Add "Web Audio API"-based BPM/beat detection method, as an alternative to the existing method using external BASS audio library, which may yield better results in some cases. You can test/enable it under the "Advanced => Beat detection" tab on the settings panel. - Fix various bugs regarding MMD support. - Fix a bug which unexpectedly increased frame rate in some cases. - Rename "Fullscreen" button to "Maximize" to better fit its actual purpose. - Change the activation method of Maximize/Restore buttons from double-click to single-click. - Add tooltip descriptions for various buttons. ------------------------------- v8.0.0.0 - The first version of System Animator to begin keeping changelog :P ------------------------------- System Animator - Homepage