What's in version 1.0? - Two 800x600 JPEG wallpaper - 1 static pointer and 2 animated cursors - 4 icons - Start Windows and Exit Windows sound wave What's NEW in version 1.01? - The missing Alen icon in version 1.0 is now included What's NEW in version 1.1? - NEW wallpaper! Now THREE wallpapers in total!! Installation instructions Unzip ALL files in your Plus! Theme directory. Run the .theme included. Microsoft Plus! is required. However you can install the Theme either manually or by other third-party programs. Note on installing wallpaper I found that the JPEG importer included in Plus! does a VERY BAD job in decoding JPEG, thus producing a BAD wallpaper. Therefore I do recommend you manually install the wallpaper with Paint, any JPEG-capable programs, or even your web browser. They all do it better than what Plus! does. To be honest the two wallpapers included aren't really good as cool Escalowne pics are hard to find. If you have any cool Escalowne wallpapers or pics please send them to me! Email: webmaster@animetheme.com URL: http://www.animetheme.com